So we went to the new campus of Northeast Lakeview to pray on Sunday before school started. Kimmi, Christi, Blayne and I (the officers of Campus Crusade) plus two random people Tim and Sara* (who I am pretty sure aren't Jesus followers). Kimmi had invited them and when they showed she said "Woah, they actually came! I didn't think that they would!" Now I'm not saying this as a bad thing- just that they are unlikely candidates to come and pray for the students and the school.
So we stood in a circle and prayed a hand-squeeze kinda prayer (if you don't want to pray, squeeze the next person's hand). And everyone prayed. Some long and drawn out and some short and to the point. I love to hear other people pray. All kinds of people. Even if they say "Hey God, it's me Tim" like they haven't spoke to God in a really long time, or "Ummm, hello! It's Sara!" like they haven't ever prayed in their life.
It was really cool to just listen to people say what was on their hearts to a God that none of us can fully understand.
I'm really looking forward to what God is going to do on this campus this semester through our willing hearts.
*names changed
Amen to that! Have a great first day of school my girl!
I love you,
Sounds great, I am so glad that my laziness and desire to be a hermit among hermits has not rubbed off on you yet. I hope it is just the opposite.
Hi, I saw your twitter about praying for your family this week. Just wanted to let you know that I did, hope it all works out. God bless, bub
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