at least this blog is good for brain-dumps!
I have only about 5 class days left (including finals) and I have begun to countdown assignments. Most classes I can count the assignments on one it should be...others are just a little more ridiculous...
Families, Schools, and Communities (a Child Development/Education basic)
-2 or so days more of lecture
-a project as a final exam (yet to be announced)
-2 days of project presentations
-2 full days of interning/observation hours (non-class days) at Olympia Elementary
American Government I (my least threatening class)
-4 days of lecture
-2 quizzes
-1 final: only half comprehensive (really not hard)
Environmental Biology (the most ridiculous college class ever!)
-4 days of lecture
-1 make-up exam
-1 take-home exam
-1 make-up quiz
-1 take-home quiz
-3 other quizzes (possibly take-home, possibly in-class)
-10 page paper about hypothetical oil spill in Corpus Christi
-comprehensive final (covering about 25 chapters!!)
-possibly a 10 article newspaper review project...
Children's Literature (pretty decent, but Writing Intensive :P )
-3 days of class (not actual lecture)
-1 Harry Potter research paper, including summary+evaluation/compare&contrast of 2 articles
-1 essay about a children's chapter book of our choice
-1 assignment, after reading another short story, write a lesson plan to teach lit. and creativity
-final= putting together a portfolio in class of completed assignments! yay!
Math for Teachers I (on-line)
-3 lectures/reading assignments
-3 quizzes
-1 final, partly comprehensive (covers about 4 weeks/sections)
-1 project: read a kid a book about a math concept, do an activity (not to hard, but takes time)
So this is the craziness of my life for the next 4 1/2 weeks! I'm trying to be positive about it and keeping the end in sight, but please pray for my stress levels! I am actually looking forward to next semester; it's the last one before I transfer and will only be 12hrs instead of 15!
Can't wait 'til this semester is over!!!!!!!
Me Neither!!! Good Luck with all of this, you remind me of why I am so happy to be done with school.
Oh sweetie, that list makes my head spin just reading it! I know that with God's help you will get it all done, and done well! I am so proud of you! Hang in there.
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