Saturday, June 22, 2013


My baby is asleep in his crib, in his room.
I can hear K-love over the baby monitor.
My sister is spending the night on the couch.
I am in bed. At 9:15. :)

This is how life should be. This is how I want my day to day to be. A house for people to stay at. A sleeping baby. Nothin to do but chill out and surf the net. But this is the first night in I don't even remember how long that I've let myself just relax and do "nothing".

A year ago I was busting by booty in summer school to finish my Bachelors. After that, I only had a couple months to get ready for baby. Then not too much later is was time to pack, with a newborn... And since we moved in, I've been unpacking non-stop because we set a house warming party date. Almost didn't make it (had a few breakdowns) but we had a party! The house was presentable, even a little decorated. :)

And now I feel like I can breath.

I told Frankie that in our little apartment that we lived in for a year I felt like I was always having to rearrange and we honestly never really got moved in. With all of Moses stuff added in we just didn't fit. So when we were deciding on a house I told Frankie that I just didn't want my life to be about rearranging and unpacking and sorting stuff. Today I got to help a friend with her rummage sale to raise money and awareness for victims of human trafficking. A much better way to spend my day!

I can't wait to see what life brings now that we are settled in to our home, our new neighborhood, our city.  Here's to game nights with friends, dinners with family, and all sorts of adventures! Thank you Jesus for this next chapter.

1 comment:

Waitingfaithfully said...

It's a great new chapter isn't it? With a brand new setting-- and the sweetest new little "brown-eyed" character.

Love you, and so thankful that your hard work has you finally feeling settled!

Mom xo